fire extinguishers from Kistler O'Brien Fire Protection

4 Top Innovations Improving Fire Sprinkler System Technology in 2024

No business’s fire safety strategy is complete without a robust and properly maintained sprinkler system. While there are a few different kinds of commercial sprinkler systems in use that offer a variety of features and functions, they all serve one primary and important purpose: detecting and extinguishing fires quickly to save lives and minimize property damage.

Thanks to recent innovations and emerging technologies, fire sprinkler and extinguisher systems have become more effective at combating fires than ever before. Here’s how smart devices, artificial intelligence, advanced sprinkler sensors, and even drones are improving commercial fire safety efforts in 2024.

Smart Fire Protection Systems

The Internet of Things has made it possible to connect a variety of smart devices to a network and control them from one central device, often a smartphone or a computer. It’s common to see such technology in residential environments, where appliances, thermostats, security systems, and lighting fixtures can all be controlled and monitored remotely with just a few clicks.

Smart fire sprinkler systems now use this technology to integrate sprinklers, alarms, emergency lights, and other fire safety systems into a single platform. This allows users to monitor and control fire protection devices more easily, and it provides real-time data about a system’s performance so that gaps and vulnerabilities can be discovered and remedied quickly. For example, the mechanical functions of a smart fire sprinkler system can now be monitored and tested remotely to ensure that its water flow, detection sensors, and alarm functions are all working properly.

Artificial Intelligence for Fire Sprinkler Systems

New developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are expanding how technology will soon be used in virtually every industry, including fire prevention and public safety. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the possibilities for AI in the fire safety sector are almost limitless, and some fire departments are already close to incorporating AI tools into their daily operations.

In commercial fire prevention systems, AI tools may soon allow building officials to check sprinkler system designs and fire safety plans instantaneously to ensure functionality and code compliance. Architects and fire safety system designers may also soon be able to use AI fire modeling tools to create safer structures and systems that operate better in the event of a fire.

Advanced Sprinkler Sensors

The many benefits of fire sprinkler systems are only possible if each sprinkler can accurately and quickly detect the presence of a fire. Many models have traditionally used simple heat-sensing elements that trigger when the surrounding air reaches a certain temperature. In addition to temperature monitoring, emerging smart sprinklers have sensors that assess multiple additional factors to better detect fires, including the presence of flames, gasses, and smoke.

After getting an accurate reading of the location, type, and size of a fire, smart sprinkler sensors can also rapidly communicate with one another to determine where the most intense part of a fire is and deploy the most effective suppression method for putting it out. Smart sensors work with a high degree of accuracy, making them especially useful in complex, hazardous environments and in containing especially challenging fires.

Fire Fighting Drones

Unmanned aerial vehicles, more commonly known as drones, are also playing an important role in modern fire safety efforts. Outfitted with their own portable sprinkler and suppression systems, fire-fighting drones can be operated remotely and used to combat fires in hard-to-reach or especially dangerous areas. Drone technology can soon revolutionize how fires are handled in high-rise office buildings, remote locations, and areas with explosive potential.

State-of-the-Art Fire Safety with Kistler O’Brien Fire Protection

Sprinkler and fire extinguisher system technology is always evolving, and it’s critical that your business is equipped with the state-of-the-art tools you need to protect your employees and property.

At Kistler O’Brien Fire Protection, we offer complete, streamlined solutions to all of your fire safety needs, from design and installation to inspection, maintenance, and repair services. Contact us today to schedule service or learn more about our fire safety solutions in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware.