Fire Prevention Week 2023: Cooking Fire Safety
Fire Prevention Week 2023 is observed October 8-14, 2023, and this year’s theme from the NFPA is “Cooking safety starts with YOU. Pay attention to fire prevention.” Fire Prevention Week is an annual, week-long observance that is always an important week at Kistler O’Brien Fire Protection.
Officially, Fire Prevention Week has been a sponsored public observance since 1922. It was proclaimed a national observance in 1925 by President Calvin Coolidge and is the longest-running public health observance in the U.S. It is observed yearly in remembrance of the Great Chicago Fire, which occurred on October 8, 1871.
Fire Prevention Week often focuses on residential fire safety. While Kistler O’Brien is a commercial fire protection provider serving businesses in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, it is still a special week for Team KOB. Safety is one of the core values at Kistler O’Brien, and KOB leadership also wants the team to be safe both on the job and at home. Cooking safety is essential for residential settings but also commercial as well. Kistler O’Brien provides services for kitchen fire suppression systems for any eatery.
Cooking safety is a critically important theme this year as cooking fires are the leading cause of home fire and home fire injuries. Unattended cooking is a leading cause of the most severe house fires that are started while cooking at home. With the holiday season fast approaching, this is an important reminder.
Here are a few essential tips for cooking safety:
- Be sure to turn pot handles toward the back of the stove to avoid any chance of knocking them.
- Set a timer when cooking as a reminder.
- Create a safety perimeter around the stove and other areas in the kitchen to ensure they are kept away from hot foods.
Residential fire safety is an important topic that should be top of mind for households all year. KOBe, Kistler O’Brien’s mascot, posts home fire safety tips on his Twitter and Instagram throughout the year. Follow him for more fire safety tips!
If you need commercial fire safety expertise, contact the life safety experts at Kistler O’Brien, who are available 24/7!